In the global economy, the rules of the game have changed. Organic growth is no longer sufficient for successful positioning in the concentration process. The global economic crisis has intensified this pressure and in most industries we are witnessing a wave of activities associated with mergers and acquisitions.
In future, the winners will not only include the largest companies, but also all those who succeed in developing one of the following four winner profiles in each of its business areas: Industry Shark, Local Specialist, Regional Hero, or International Champion. Future losers are all those companies who fail to clearly develop one of the four winner profiles during the concentration process of their own sector.
The aim of this book is to support companies in their development of competitive strategies in the environment that has been changed by global concentration, with a view of emerging from the economic crisis strengthened and protected from any future crises.
The information presented in the book is based on analysis of the financial data and acquisition activities of the 8,000 largest companies worldwide in the past decade and on the study of the success formulas of 600 companies, champions of the past decade, who have emerged as the frontrunners in the completion with the largest companies.
Success Formulas for the New Decade
based on the analysis of 600 winners of the past decade
Vezava: trda ISBN: 978-961-247-191-0 Št. strani: 264 Leto izdaje: 2011
Z DDV: 56,00 €
Brez DDV: 53,33 €
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dr. Andrej VizjakProf. dr. Andrej Vizjak je med najbolj priznanimi mednarodnimi svetovalci za strateško vodenje podjetij. Je profesor na ekonomskih fakultetah v Ljubljani in Ingolstadtu v Nemčiji.Je avtor in soavtor 14 knjig, med drugim tudi del Competing Against Scale, Beating the Global Consolidation Endgame in Media Management – Leveraging Content for Profitable Growth. Knjige dr. Vizjaka so postale uspešnice in dosegle priznanje za najbolj prodajane knjige v Nemčiji, Švici, Italiji in na Poljskem. Prevedene so bile v devet jezikov, med drugim tudi v angleščino, ruščino in kitajščino. Dr. Vizjak je dela objavil pri vodilnih svetovnih založbah, kot so McGraw Hill, Wiley in Springer.Andrej Vizjak se je rodil leta 1965 v Ljubljani. Doktoriral je leta 1988 v Nemčiji, kjer je pridobil tudi naziv profesorja ekonomskih znanosti. Je eden redkih Slovencev, ki je vodil tuje svetovne korporacije. Od leta 1995 do 2000 je bil kot član uprave Bertelsmann odgovoren za največjo založbo in maloprodajo knjig na svetu, potem pa je kot partner in direktor A. T. Kearneyja razvil ugledno svetovalno podjetje v centralni in vzhodni Evropi.-------------------------------Andrej Vizjak is Partner of PwC and its Consulting Leader for South East Europe. Among other functional roles he is a member of the Global Innovation Leadership Team of PwC.He has more than 20 years of consulting experience. During the period from 1995 to 2000 he was Executive Vice President of Bertelsmann Group, responsible for the restructuring of their book publishing and retail business. Afterwards he became a partner of A.T. Kearney, first as Vice President of Central Europe and later as Managing Director of Eastern Europe. Since 1996 he has also been a lecturer and since 2007 a Professor at the University Eichstätt in Germany. He has published 17 books. His books on media management (first version in 2001), niche strategies (first version in 2006), on scale based competition (first version in 2008) and on success formulas (first version in 2010) have been published in 11 languages.